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We're on the map and we're
gonna stay on the map!

Tal Brody, a US-born star basketball player for Maccabi Tel Aviv, uttered these lines after a miraculous underdog victory against the best team in the former Soviet Union: "We're on the map and we're going to stay on the map! Not just in sport but in everything!"


Brody proved prescient.


In a couintry routinely threatened with being wiped off the Middle East map, Brody's comments struck a chord with the Israeli public, effectively launching his own post-basketball career as a civilian ambassador for Israel. We follow in this honored tradition.


In 2003, Israel's Ministry of Foreign Affairs commissioned the creation of more than 80 maps and infographics for its web site.


Mijits Media has acquired exclusive rights to this unmatched collection of Israel maps, making them available to the general public to illustrate the true dimensions of Israel and the history of the Jewish people in its ancestral homeland to the present moment.


This site is dedicated to showing maps of Israel, past and present. We hope it will be interesting and useful for you as you try to explain and grasp how someplace so small can be sooooo huge.


We welcome partnerships with individuals and causes contributing to rendering facts about Israel in creative cartographic formats and location-based media..

Maps of Israel
from ancient times to real-time
Drag the Street View man into the map to walk

Maps © 2003-2014 by Koret Communications Ltd. and Mijits Media Ltd. All rights reserved.


Free for private non-commercial use strictly "as is" without modification of text, images or code.


For any public or commericial use, please see terms. Publishers, contact us for rights and credits.



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